What's New in MotiveWave 1.3
(Released December 6, 2011)
Below is information on the major features and enhancements included in MotiveWave's version 1.3 (since the last major release of version 1.2). Please visit the MotiveWave download page for full Release Notes on each release including minor releases and to download the latest version of MotiveWave.
- Elliott Wave Scanner – this feature enables you to scan across multiple symbols/instruments for specific Elliott Wave patterns
- Data Import – Data can now be imported from CSV (comma separated value) files, and:
- Multiple Files - You can now load multiple data files at the same time
- Auto Adjust for Splits - This feature (if enabled) will automatically detect splits in the data and adjust the older prices for these splits.
- Google/Yahoo – the Google/Yahoo data feed has been enhanced to pull data for the VTX, SWF and MCE exchanges. Only daily data is available for them (being pulled from Yahoo).
- Zen-Fire – MotiveWave now supports Zen-Fire (Windows platforms only). Zen-Fire support includes historical data and the default Time-In-Force has been set to DAY to account for market and stop market orders
- Rithmic – Rithmic is now supported through MotiveWave. You can connect to other brokers through Rithmic. Support includes trading, historical data, Level 1 and Level 2 data.
- Elliott Wave Auto Wave Improvements – many improvements have been added to the auto wave labeling including several tweaks to the pattern recognition algorithms to improve the generated wave counts.
- Elliott Wave Auto Analyze Tool - This feature will automatically apply a wave analysis over the given data parameters.
- Custom Trading Hours - Custom trading hours can now be created. To define trading hours see: Preferences -> General -> Trading Hours (in the Preferences Dialog). Trading hours can be assigned directly to an instrument by editing the instrument (right click on an instrument and choose 'Edit Instrument') and selecting the trading hours from the drop down. If your broker supports exchanges, you can make the trading hours the default for a particular exchange.
- Studies – Studies have been enhanced to allow the user to modify guides, indicators, lines and shading, and to optionally show indicators (and vertical lines) for the major values, Study Graphs can now be placed above the Price Graph, Daily Volume Profile and Volume Profile studies have been added
- Revert to Default Tool – new option in Preferences to have the mouse tool revert to the default tool after 1 use. For example (with this option enabled) if you change to the line tool and draw a line, the mouse tool will automatically revert to the default tool (Time Drag tool for instance) instead of staying on the line tool.
- Constant Volume Charts Enhancements - The Constant Volume graphs have been enhanced to work with minute bar data (in addition to historical tick data). The context menu (right click on the chart) now has a volume submenu to quickly change to common volume sizes.
- Renko/Range/Volume Charts Enhancements - You can now quickly set a custom Range/Renko/Tick/Volume value from the context menu (see Renko -> Renko Interval for example)
- Range/Renko Bars Enhancements - these types of bars now reset at the beginning of each trading day to improve the reliability of the bar counts
- Watch Lists - Instrument Folders have been renamed to 'Watch Lists'. Watch Lists can now be opened directly from the Watch List tool bar. Several issues have also been resolved with releasing ticker symbols.
- Cross Hair - Added double cross hair and dashed lines. These features can be reset back to the original settings in Preferences.
- Price Box - Added ability to fill the price box and reduced the minimum size requirements
- Snap Open/Close - The snap to bar feature has been enhanced to snap to the open/close of a bar as well as the high/low. This can be turned off from the Preferences.
- Price Graph Top/Bottom Insets - The default insets for the top and bottom of the price graph can be configured from the Preferences Panel (Configure -> Preferences).
- Remove Bar - Individual Bars can be removed from the chart. Right click on the bar and choose 'Remove Bar'.
- New Watch Columns – % Off High, % Off Low, and % Off Open
- Preferences
- Several New Preferences Have Been Added:
- Poll Interval - Changes the interval in which polls for tick updates
- Tick History Limit - Changes the amount of ticks that are stored in memory
- Study Height - Sets the Default Height for Study Graphs
- Show Instrument Title - Toggles the usage of the Instrument Symbol vs Title for display in the price graph
- Chart Settings - Settings tab has been split into 'Settings' and 'Options'
- Tool Bar - Available tools are now sorted in alphabetical order
- Tick Charts - New option to use 'Minute Bars' instead of historical tick data. Note: This used to be in the Chart Panel and was called 'Use Range for Bars'
- Several New Preferences Have Been Added:
- Australian Securities Exchange - Common symbols for the ASX are now populated in the database for Google, BarChart and eSignal. (see new Watch List: ASX)
- BarChart - ASX symbols are now included in the search facility
- Google - Fix for timezone issue for Australia
- Symbol Mapping - Symbols between Zen-Fire, Interactive Brokers, IQFeed, BarChart and eSignal are now automatically mapped for most common Stocks, Futures and Forex. Please report any unmapped symbols to MotiveWave Support
- Support for Java 7 – MotiveWave can now be used with Java 7
- 64-Bit Mode - MotiveWave will now work with eSignal and ZenFire using Java 64 bit. Please use MotiveWave64.exe shortcut instead of MotiveWave.exe